Mesothelioma Claims

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6001 Stars and Stripes Blvd.,
Suite 230
New Orleans, LA 70126

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Mesothelioma Claims

asbestos and mesothelioma lawsuits new orleans louisianaMesothelioma is a deadly cancer that has impacted countless Americans. With severe symptoms such as chest pain, weight loss, shortness of breath, persistent coughing, and fatigue, this disease can slowly progress over time – and potentially lead to an early death…

Mesothelioma harms the protective layer of tissue that lines the major internal organs of the human body. This thin layer of tissue is referred to as mesothelium, and upon exposure to asbestos, abnormal cells can rapidly grow to crowd healthy cells. This causes many complications within the body that can affect a person’s overall health and well-being.

It is common for symptoms of Mesothelioma to remain dormant for up to 40 years after initial asbestos exposure. However, once detected, it can progress quickly, causing life-threatening health challenges. Treatment and ongoing care of Mesothelioma can be incredibly expensive, making it difficult for patients to obtain the medical attention they need.

Fortunately, there may be legal options available to help with the cost of treatment. Obtaining compensation through legal means is best done with the guidance of a skilled asbestos lawyer. With their skills and oversight, they will be integral to successfully obtaining compensation for Mesothelioma victims.

The Role of Asbestos Trust Funds In Compensation For Mesothelioma Victims

Asbestos trust funds play a vital role in compensating victims of Mesothelioma and other asbestos-caused diseases. Given the often long latency period of symptoms after exposure, many victims experience symptoms and receive a diagnosis years down the road.

Asbestos trust funds can provide victims with restitution in a variety of ways. When asbestos companies faced litigation in the past, numerous entities filed for bankruptcy in order to manage the financial burden of lawsuits. As a part of this bankruptcy process, these companies were required to create trust funds to compensate current and future victims. These funds are overseen by trustees independent of the bankrupt businesses.

After the claims process, eligible plaintiffs may receive financial support from asbestos trust funds to cover medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more. Given that these funds are designed to be sustainable, they may require periodic reevaluations to ensure financial resources are maintained over time.

Navigating the Legal Process: Filing a Mesothelioma Lawsuit

Upon symptoms and diagnoses, the first step in filing a lawsuit is to contact an experienced Mesothelioma lawyer. With their help, you will be able to gather relevant medical records that outline the diagnoses and establish evidence of asbestos exposure (which is often achieved with employment history or product identification).

From there, your Mesothelioma lawsuit attorney will assist in identifying liable parties – often companies that manufactured or used asbestos products in the past. Once this is all established, your legal representative will prepare and file a complaint with the appropriate court. In this complaint, your case and the damages sought will be clearly outlined.

Throughout the entire legal process, your lawyer will work with you to negotiate settlements, protect your best interests, file appropriate documents, and represent you in court if necessary.

Asbestos and Mesothelioma law is notoriously complex and difficult to navigate. For this reason, it is critical that you work with a legal professional who concentrates in these matters. This will ensure that your case is strong, credible, and successful.

You deserve the maximum compensation available for your losses. That’s why you should work with our qualified team at Mesothelioma Claims from start to finish.

Ready To Secure The Compensation You Deserve? Call Mesothelioma Claims Today!

We Listen, We Explain.

If you are seeking a highly skilled attorney in New Orleans or in the other parts of the Country, who will advocate for you, look no further than Mesothelioma Claims. With years of experience representing victims just like you, attorney Van Robichaux is prepared to help you achieve your legal objectives with confidence and clarity.

Mesopotamia can greatly impact the lives of asbestos-exposed individuals and their loved ones. With our guidance and oversight, we will explore all of the options available to you – to maximize compensation for your losses.

To get started with an initial consultation, call us now at (504) 285-9900 or contact us here!

Mesothelioma Claims

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(504) 285-9900

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