Mesothelioma Claims

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Mesothelioma Claims

Asbestos Litigation Trends And Their Legal Implications For Mesothelioma Claims

  • By: J. Van Robichaux
Mesothelioma Claims | New Orleans, LA, Mesothelioma Litigation

Asbestos-related illnesses, particularly mesothelioma, continue to pose significant health risks to countless people across New Orleans and the country at large. Despite the dangers of asbestos exposure being widely acknowledged, the legal world has a lot of catching up to do. Between this and the fact that it is constantly evolving, a lot of challenges and uncertainty remain for victims who attempt to seek justice for the wrong they’ve suffered.

For individuals in New Orleans, LA, where mesothelioma law firm Mesothelioma Claims is based, and across the nation, you’ll need a thorough understanding of asbestos litigation trends, how they affect mesothelioma lawsuit settlements, and the legal implications in mesothelioma claims if you want to navigate your situation as effectively and successfully as possible.

We’ve prepared this article as an extension of this focus, hoping to equip you with a baseline of knowledge you’ll need for what lies ahead. Although not exhaustive, you’ll gain valuable insight from it and be far better positioned to take informed legal action, especially if paired with the support and guidance of a mesothelioma lawyer. Though we want this guide to help you, remember that it isn’t a substitute for tailored legal advice. Reach out to our lead mesothelioma lawyer, Van Robichaux, for that today if necessary.

Understanding Asbestos Exposure And Its Connection To Mesothelioma

Although somewhat rare, mesothelioma is an aggressive type of cancer. Its cause? Exposure to asbestos. Asbestos was once widely used as a material for constructing buildings, shipbuilding, and an array of other things. Prolonged or repeated exposure to asbestos fibers can lead to severe health issues even decades after the fact.

This is perhaps the thing that makes lodging a successful legal claim so challenging. Proving exposure, identifying responsible parties, and navigating all of the state and federal laws surrounding the issue make things all the more difficult.

Key Asbestos Litigation Trends

Asbestos litigation is ever-changing, and staying informed is critical if you’ve suffered due to exposure. Here are some vital things to be mindful of as you consider initiating or have already started litigating an asbestos claim.

Rise In Mesothelioma Lawsuits

In New Orleans, the shipbuilding and petrochemical production industries have played an oversized role in facilitating asbestos exposure. Claims continue to be filed here, but the same is true across the country. Widespread bans and regulations have kicked in, but lawsuits remain daily prevalent, largely since diagnoses are often made 20-50 years after exposure.

Bankruptcy Trusts And Compensation

Many of the companies responsible for asbestos exposure have filed for bankruptcy to manage their liability. This, in part, has caused bankruptcy trusts to be established with the goal of compensating victims. As with anything in the legal world, navigating these trusts can be incredibly complicated. Claimants not only need to meet specific criteria, but there’s a minefield of legal jargon you’ll have to parse through that serves as a barrier of entry of sorts.

Shifts In Settlement Strategies

More recently, there’s been a clear shift in terms of how asbestos manufacturers, employers, and insurers approach mesothelioma lawsuit settlements. This has been shaped by several factors, including:

  • Litigation becoming increasingly expensive
  • Changing public perception and mounting pressure as a result
  • Among other things

Like with so many other types of lawsuits, defendants attempt to settle quickly. This may seem like a kind gesture, but it’s really only done to lower their costs and mitigate damage to their reputation.

Legal Implications

Understanding the legal hurdles and challenges associated with mesothelioma claims is central to securing fair compensation. Each aspect requires careful attention, in-depth knowledge, and experience with the legal system.

Proving Causation

As mentioned earlier, the biggest challenge in mesothelioma claims is proving causation. You not only must demonstrate that your illness is the direct result of exposure to asbestos but also that it was caused by the negligence of the defendant. Expert testimony, employment records, and medical documentation are key pieces of evidence you’ll need as part of the foundation of a strong case.

Navigating Multiple Defendants

Mesothelioma claims typically have multiple defendants, including manufacturers, employers, and property owners. This makes determining liability incredibly complex, especially if exposure happened decades ago.

Accessing Bankruptcy Trusts

If the defendant in your claim is a company that declared bankruptcy, you may be able to file your claim with the trust. They operate independently of the courts, and dealing with them generally requires sifting through and analyzing extensive documentation.

Staying informed and working with a legal professional experienced in mesothelioma claims is key to finding success with your claim. Van Robichaux is here to provide the support and guidance you need if you or a loved one has suffered from exposure to asbestos due to another’s negligence.

Mesothelioma Claims

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